

We Teach You How

You really can do it on your own!

Believe it or not, you really can make your way to the IRCC website and submit  visa or permit application on your own.

You might need a little help, but you can do it!!

“Conventional” hype tells us the opposite.

The message is loud and clear.

If you venture into the mysterious world of Canadian Immigration, on your own, unaccompanied and unguided by a certified immigration consultant you will crash and burn. The rejection letter will explode in your inbox seconds after you submit your application and your hopes of immigrating to Canada forever crushed!

Of course none of that is true.

It is all hype created by the certified immigration consultants  working hard to convince you to spend thousands of dollars needlessly.

Are there aspects of the Canadian immigration process that are not readily apparent? That may be a little tricky? That may require detailed attention?

Of course there are. But nothing that you cannot, with a little help discern for yourself. It has been said that knowledge is power.

True – but “certified” consultants have no monopoly on knowledge (despire what they may try to lead you to believe).

It really is true that you can complete the process of applying for a visa or permit in Canada by yourself.

Everything that you need in terms of information and knowledge is at your fingertips. And in the end, when you’ve submitted your application on your own, and you have your study permit and visa in hand, you’ll also still have in your pocket the hundreds or thousands of dollars that you would have needlessly squandered on a “certified” consultant.





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