

We Teach You How

Why this site was created

Canada is clearly a favored destination for immigrants, and for many good reasons. As with all countries, there are rules, requirements and procedures in place. You cannot just jump onto an airplane, land in Canada and proudly declare – “here I am, this is where I’m going to live now!”

All immigration procedures are laced with rules, technicalities, specific requirements and nuances that make it tempting to just employ a “professional” and say “here – take care of this for me.” But, while that may be workable, we all know that it comes with a price. Immigration Consultants in Canada are expensive. While the government fee for submitting an application my be a couple of hundred dollars, you may find yourself paying an “expert” a couple of thousand dollars.

Or you could do it yourself.

But that has traditionally come with its own set of problems in that while IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada) has tried to make their website and procedures fairly straightforward, it can still be overhwleming.

Enter Live in Canada.

What we are doing is to put together and offer a few key courses that will not only show you how to navigate the IRCC website, but will also make you privy to a few less known facts and techniques that will help you submit a successful application.

We’re excited to launch or projet with our first course – How to Apply for a Canadian Study Permit.